Hi (^_^*Y) my name is gabriela, but people call me gab, gaby, gb; Gab is a wonderful person, she is beautiful, intelligent, generous e_e *cof cof* and very modest too. Gab like biscuit, chocolate, sweets *-* (she is not fat, ok? u_u), music, webdesign, many other things; who cares? beijosmeliga ;*

Gender: Famele
Age: 14
Ethnicity: Green/Alien White/Caucasian
Interested in: Only gabuu u_u
Status: In a relationship

Interests: Fooood @_@, music, computer
Music: emocore, punk, techno, powerpop, pop, pop-rock, pop-punk, pop-anything, indie
TV: Sony, Fox, Animax, Disney, MVT, VH1
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Comment history with fabgurl213


Displaying 1 - 1 of 1 comments

hey i need a little help!! im sorry to bother you i just have a quick question. im a relatively experienced html user, but everything i know i basically taught myself soooo... yeah. i used one of your layouts at http://girlz4god101.webs.com and for some reason the footer doesnt appear centered correctly on some of the pages such as the 'speak' one. i was wondering if you could help me figure out why its doing that. x.x thanks

Posted by fabgurl213 on Mar 7, 10 7:25 pm
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  • Female
  • 15 years old